Audience & Device Analytics

Empowering Viewership Insights and Device QoS Analytics

AI Powered Data Insights and Analysis

With decades of experience in video services, both broadcast and OTT, Oregan has a thorough understanding of the video delivery workflow. In a typical firmware architecture, we are able to track the processes and events at a high level of granularity, allowing us to build a cross-section of video product consumption pie.

This high-precision instrumentation and telemetry sets us apart in our ability to empower the operators’ key content sourcing and licensing decisions, playback issues remediation and content recommendations.

The user’s behavioral analytics will offer actionable insights into how viewers interact with media choices within the user interface, allowing operators to tailor content discovery and title release marketing strategies. Since the STB is only one part of the video platform mix, Oregan enables operators to consider user engagement across further platforms, including mobile platforms and connected TVs.


Comprehensive Data Across Use Cases

Comprehensive data visualization and reporting

Customisable Dashboards

At Oregan, we understand that video performance data and associated analytics are viewed in different contexts on an organizational level. 

Customisable dashboarding for marketing and devops are offered based on agreed requirements.

Begin with our standard templates and extend them with additional datasets and views to bring crucial insights at your fingertips.

QoS / QoE Device Data

Quantitative analysis algorithms developed for the modern MSO operations enable our customers to determine with accuracy and in Real-Time what corrective actions are required and by which supplier. 


Oregan’s expertise in STB middleware and UX development allows us to extract data on a process level, enabling us to provide our customers with a 100 percent transparency in device operation and associated software modules, including 3rd party libraries with varying degrees of obfuscation.


Whilst the template views are aimed to encompass the key vital statistics of service performance, granular data extraction parameters are implemented on a custom basis.

Lets Discuss Audience & Device Analytics

Trust the Oregan team to deliver on challenging OTT, IPTV and DVB project milestones, allowing you to focus on delighting customers and generating new revenues