Zenterio OS Linux STB Client

Open Standards Based Middleware for Linux STBs

Ready to Deploy Middleware and UX for Linux STBs and Legacy Device Upcyling

More than 20 Million Units Deployed by Global Operators

For operators not yet ready to adopt Android TV, Oregan provides Zenterio OS, which is a mature STB client middleware deployed on more than 20 Million STBs by leading global telecoms operators including Megacable, Deutsche Telekom, Forthnet Nova, RiksTV and many others. 

Oregan’s HTML5 & JavaScript UX Framework is a time to market solution for operators who wish to deploy Linux STBs and smart TVs

HTML5 & JavaScript UX Framework

The look and feel of the TV UX may be customised to meet specific operator requirements, and provides support for the following key use cases:

Lets Discuss Linux OS STBs Requirements

Trust the Oregan team to deliver on challenging OTT, IPTV and DVB project milestones, allowing you to focus on delighting customers and generating new revenues